Friday, January 29, 2021

molly 11

 molly 11

4300 more words of story for entertainment

morose molly sat alone. she was typing her fictional story. she wrote about a man who wanted to kill himself.  she wrote about a guy named manny. his life was full of pain. he just wanted to end his pain. the pain was not a physical pain the way muscles ache after exercise nor the pain of joint in arthritis but a pain in the emotions. 

manny went to his doctor for usual annual check up. the doctor this year was a lady a fat lady. she wore a long white doctor coat and no glasses. her hair was gray and pointing in random directiions noyt smooth.

the doctor said "you look thiner than last year get on the scale". manny obeyd and stepd up on the scale. the number on the scale was 178 pounds. manny attakd with words "wrong i weigh more than last year--that is due to your shoes--i am not wearing shoes now--so i was wrong about shoes but due to your clothes weight--nope, i also wore clothing last year when i weighed--i KNOW what i see... you look thinner. this years clothing must be heavier! now stop arguing." then the doc emphasized the word i "EYE am the doctor."

manny grabd his shoes and sat on one of the 2 chairs for the interrogation. he pulled on his loafer style shoes that had no laces for tying.

the dod lookd thru the records of the year and askd "did you notice? yhis whole year you were not sick even once. no need for medication and not even a mild cold of coughing."

manny realized she was right and in contrast to previous years every winter he had been ill. almost every year as a teen he had a bacteriaal strep inflammation in his throat needing antibiotic. then every winter in age twentys he had several colds and at least once cawfd so much that he needed expectorant to cough efficiently and less. one year the cough worsened into  a lung inflamamtion yet ths year his health was much better.

he had survived the winter without needing any doc. he strained to recall if he even cawfd that year and he had not... ony the emotional pain which hurt much more intensely. stress and nervousnous that intensified.

time to lie. manny blurted out his lie nervously "i cant begin sleeping. i start" he paused and then rushing stressfully, his words hastily joind, with no space the words "to" with "laying down" but it came out quikly one word sounding like 2+lye "tolie" and he realized he was revealing that he was lying to doc... but he must continue... as he lyd nervously...

i cant fall asleep i just lay there thinking about arguments that are long past and cannot be changed. i cant relax and cant control my sleep.

my dreams are fild with the emotion of fear but i dont see any scry dream until i wake up and realize i felt fear and i awake full of stress emotionally exhausted.

the doc said "sounds like you could use anti-depressants". no this is not sadness this is sleep i need to relax and slide into sleep as in the past.

doc replyd "i never said sad i meant depressd like you cant get out of bed in the morning--the OPPOSITE of sleep i CANT sleep so i need a prescription for sleeping pills."

oh, she responded and brushed some crumbs from the bump of her shirt caused by her female shape, then continued "for sleeping pills you dont need any recommendation you can buy without rescription." manny was horrified. he had not even needed a doctor he coulda done his plan without her. but he was already here s he lyd MORE.

 i KNOW that already i needed a STRONG sleeping pill so i will stop anxious racing thouts how can you forget doc i relive past ARGUMENTS that is very stressfull".

"yes you do need a stronger sleeping pill i will give you a drug named denecrobionuclaiphexedron.

manny echoed "de-neck-row-buy-own-ook-clay-if-ex-ed-rin, sounds like heavy jit."

doc scribl'd the symbol on a tiny wyt square from her pad, and handed it to him. "doc dont i need your stamp?--nope. just the secret name." she explaind as she stampd it anyway with her blak stamp to ease his worrys.

manny jerkd the paper from her hands and was too excited to even thank her for aiding his plan. he jumpd out the door and rn out from the doc office past the negro that handled the phone calls. he thout yup blak skin answers phones... too poor to pay for college... in the endless cycle of poverty... but his doc was a white man... until today a negro lady... well that refuted his idea.

with stretjd strides he ran along the sidewalk pavement to the nerby pharmacy. he ran past the much-fat snax that were the opposite of healthy... to the booth with the pharmacist. he slipd the tiny square of paper under the glass window. for the first time he wonndered if the glass was to prevent people stealing the drugs or to due to ILL people buying medicine and sneezing on the pharmacist.

the kid inside pulled a small box of tablets and in a bored tone repeated the warning "these have causd addictions do not take daily...--nytly" interrupted manny. "...only when you need it.--yessir." 

manny brout the box to the cashier and paid by credit card... but the card got rejected. so he reached in his wallet for bills but he only had two ones... "this is all i have" manny hollerd and tryd to throw the two bills at the counter but they just floated daintily. manny fled the shop with his pills and waved at a cab. the taxier stopd and manny opend the bak door. "258 valentine lane, and if your quik i will add a five to the fare" announced manny. the driver jamd his foot on the gas and wove between the slower cars swerving suddenly zig and zag as motivated by the tip.

molly pausd her typing this was a good exciting story!

she hadnot even pland that part. so she continued typing... "manny reached his home and told the taxier "wait i will bring the fare but you had not driven fast enuf for the fiver."

as the taxier waited outside his house, manny hastily hurryd to the door. he was so excited about his plan that he coud not get the key into the lok. he glanced franticly at the taxier witing for the money that woud never come... his face rotated back to the lok passing the protruding glass window an angled glass near the door then a flat broad pane of glasss and on the far side another angled glss in symmetry. that was on the left side but the ryt side ti starboard was boring wall only gray brix no windows.

his eyes finally reach the key-hole and he jamd the key in and turnd and left the door wide open not just ajar, to fool the taxier... he grabd aa knife and cut the thin carton of the pill box and yankd the paper describing the drug and popd out one, two, three, four, five, six pills an entire row. of the powerful sleeping pills not just one for slumber and dozing into sleep but six smooth capsules of de-necro-mimboo.

he fild a blue mug with water and started the series... a capsule to the bak of the tung... a sip to swallow... and repeat six times...

then to to the soft sofa to end his pain and be free... he closed his eyes and waied to doze into sleep a sleep so deep that he woud never awkeen. to manny's horror he felt his stummik churn... and felt nausea... "no NO NO" he hollerd as his body pumped out the jet of white foam... all over his wood floor. he even faild at killing himself... and he realized the name of the drug de-necro means not dead !! it was made to prevent overdosing.

manny cusd angrily and returned to the knife that he had used to cut open the box. he knew that people committed suicide by cutting wrists... but he also knew about tying tourniqets. so he jamd the knife into the soft part of his upper thigh where a major vein returnd blood to his hart. the huge amount of blood powering his leg muscles was now pumping out on the white tiles of the kitchen... as he expected he felt dizzy and faint from loss of blood... as he fell to the floor he heard the taxier enter shouting "whereis my money" but the last thing manny saw was the face of the taxier appearing as mannys eyes colsed. he did not see nor know that the taxier saw the blood and dropd fainted.

molly concluded her story with tall letter "THE END".

that felt good... until she felt her own tummy churn... her monthly blood was pumping out and this time the ache was much harsher pain like a jab... something was wrong...

the pain was so great that she toppled from her bed where she had been sitting typing... and lay on the floor as her muscles spazd wildly. the physical pain was magnifyd by the monthly remider yet again she did not use her baby ability and potential... yet again...

she had started monthly blood late five months later than the other girls in her class and then she had not worried about passing months with no baby she had hundreds of months ahead of her... but the last few years since her 20th birthday every month was a reminder again and again and again that she misd another month... and she had no hope of finding a father for her kids... all the people around her were such bossy jerks... even daryl woud not be a good father spending so irresponsibly nobody was left... the hopless despair filld her combined with the physical ache of her cramps that hurt much worse than past months.. something was horribly wrong this time she woud die soon anyway and she thout about her story and knew what she must do.

molly jumpd from the floor and used the ache to drive her out the door and down the steps of the stair-well down and down she was out from her building and ran the short distance to the bridge... it was a narrow foot brij over the busy street. she knew she coud end her pain by jumping from that height probably ten feet a fall lik ethat woud certainly kill her well almost conclusively and if not a car woud hit her and people died from that.

she ran up the stairs... now fild with hope of ending her pains... trund left onto the brij and ran toward the lady walking toward her in a long orinj dress the popular style. molly aligned herself with the lane and readied to jump.but a row of cars was coming so she moved sideways to the other lane but a truck was coming.

another explosion of pain from her womb... the ain was so sharp and intense she MUST end this pain she leaped over the metal fence of the foot-brij... and aimd at the truck... but the truck was moving faster than shee had estimated... as she fell she felt a great super fear that filled her blinding every sensation... as she fell helplessly.

 she watched the red cab of the truk pass under her and she fell BETWEEN the red cab and the wyt box... her eyes watched the  passing as her eyes moved down and pasd  the long edj of the white box and instantly the edj cut into her tummy ... and the change of direction bangd her back into the red cab before sshe coud blink her hed slamd the red cab and she was ded befor her head hit the pavenment below the truk and dragd her ded face a few more yards before the truk stopd.

why had he stopd?

the driver whose name was trevor trimain, heard a bang and without a thout slamd his foot into the brake pad. whatever was in the box of the truk flew continuing in the direction of the truk... smashing into the same wall of the box that had shattered mollys skeleton... but worse than one death... the car behind it... its driver a woman named lace lapfeld did not expect a sudden stop... as the few yards between her car and the truck shrunk she DUG her foot into her brake to stop but still  she crashed into the box of the truk. the window of her windsheild shatterd and flew forward... away from lace as her body bumpd forward straining her safety belt. the driver behind lace... a man named kyle klug, was hurrying to deliver his packet of heroin before the thugs shot his kids... who he lovd far more than his wife... who always nagd him about doing things her way and pointing out his mior flaws as if they were a big fuss... well he was rushing for his kids sake and he was TOO CLOSE to the sea-blue car at his front so when her brake lyt flashed and shined he had no time to stop he saw her hit the truk and and the CRUNCH was followed by a second crunch as his pale green nissan added a second crash into the blue car the force threw the blue car to double tap the truk and its rear jumpd up from the pavement and passed the front of itself crunching into the wyt box of the truk and ripping the metal. poor lace had survived the first crash... but only for a millisecond before she was crushed upside down in the white box. apparently the truk was carrying cartons of ketchup bottles as the red ketchup sloshed on the pavemnet and the blue car slid forwrd crushing more of the contents of the truk.

much of the force of the green car went to the blue one so th egreen car slowed drasticly... as its driver named kyle flew forward over his steering wheel and thru his glass windsheild... when his head slamd thru it he died instantly... and he flew due to not wearing a safety belt over the gap to the box of the truk and even over the tyres of the now wrekd blue car and landed on...

GASP children.

kyle so the kids faces just before his head hit the floor of the box between two kids.

his shoulders crushed the chest of those two young victims.

molly jump had kild far more people than she pland far more than any healthy society woud imagine possible... the white box of the truk was pakd with rows of smuggled kids who almost all perishd in this crash.

if molly knew she certainly would have waited for the truk to pass despite her super pain.

the truk stopd and the drivers behind also stopd and and went around on both sides of the truck til trevor opend the driver door and the oncoming car shreikd to a stop... its roof under the elevated door of the truk cab. trevor stepd onto the roof of the sparkly-red  car and paced along the rood and the back trunk to examine his truk. he saw the metal of the box wrinkled like an accordian and heard the shrieks with the voice of kids in the box of the truck finally he reached the place where the box lost its wall and saw the blue car on the crushed kids... and he fell fainted from the trunk of the red car... and hit his head on the pavement adding one more death to the tragedy.

later cops inspected the scene of the massacre.

the unintended massacre killed over twenty people.

they found molly's mangled body. shatterd by the truk impact and her head and skull scraped by the pavement. she had succeeded in ending her pain and her death was so sudden she did not feel the impact on the pavement.

they found kyle's corpse the driver of the green car and his heroin pack... the delivery did not arrive and far away in his home the thugs obeyd their boss to set an example and killed kyles family... causing the added deaths of three more children and of a human lady, very recently widowed, that woud no longer find faults in her husband..

they found lace's corpse crushed in the blue car on the floor of the wyt boc of the truk. they found the corpse of  trevor who had fainted and fallen from the red car and unconscious ramd his head into the pavement shattering his skull. bone ripd thru his soft brain tissue and the released blood destryed the remains of his brain. his nek akso broke but he was dead before the neck broke.

the kids in the truk... had been sitting in rows and the few survivors were all in a daze. not just from the tragedy but they had all been drugd. none had marks of drug injections in ther arms and the one boy who talked reported that nobody injected anything but he felt drowsy after he ate the soup that the king couple had given them before the trip. the cops understood what was in the soup.

under the blue car, when they lifted it with a crane they found five rows of kids. three rows of girls who looked like mexican faces. two rows of boys four boys with lyt skin. later two of these were identified as missing kidnapd kids. the other two were a mystery not american kids perhaps smuggled from outside. and the other row was four crushed dark skin kids. those corpses were crushed under the blue car and were found when a crane lifted the blue car.

another row of girls with chinese faces was killd by the impact of the blue car and only one of them was born in america. her parents were found but the others must have been smuggled over the border to be moved together.

the survivng row was four boys who were too dazed and drugd to remember anything before the kind couple with wide smiles gave them soup. the row behind those four boys had two deaths from the body of kyle. and the two beside the on the edges were crushed when the sides of the truk bent like an accordian and folded inward where no human was meant to be.

the last row had smakd their heads on the wall the same moment mollys body had been cut by the edj of the box of the truk. those four chinese girls died instantly. 

total deaths: molly, the three drivers, trevor lace and kyle the one not wearing a safety belt. kyles family added four deaths as a result of not delivering the heroin drug by order of the thugs.

the leader of the thugs killd his two henchmen to prevent witenesses totalling ten including three kids.

the kids in the truk added 8 chinese girls but 4 chinese boys survived. one born in america who was returned to his parents. the others trafikd.  twenty more dead children as above crushed in the briefest instant by the flying blue car.

as horribe as death is and the sickening way to die by crushing they were saved from years of pain and suffering intended for those smuggled kids.

mollys suicide had caused the deaths of over thirty more people... so dont jump from a bridge...

now it is time to tell the story of molly's corpse.

they searched her pockets for id but lady clothing has no pockets. she hd not carried her purse with her wallet and credit cards and she never botherd to get a driver license. her coat had pockets but they only had extra gloves.

who was the the lady sawed and hacked in her thorax and how did she end up between the cab and the box head down with a hakd belly


one witness... the lady on the bridge reported that she saw a young lady leap from the bridge and slam into the truk.

but who was the jumper? no name no purse no credit card. they must chek her dna and notify her family. there was no way off knowing because her phone was lokd.

its screen was shatterd and found on the pavement behind the stopd green car. the cops put the cell phone with its shatterd screen that somehow displayed the lok screen into a plastic evidence bag.

later after realizng they coud not identify the corpse of molly, they brout the phone to a technician to see if it was her phone or one of the identified adults perhaps kyle or lace or trevor who all died with their driver licens and photo id cards.

the technician read the memory chip and saw all the frends contacts had been deleted.

only one name remained daryl.

so they attached the damage phone to a computer and called from the cellular to daaryl.

luckily he had not deleted his ex-girlfrend's number and after only two rings he answerd "molly?" then they understoof the phone was not kyle nor lace nor trevor but must identify the jumper.

they informed darryl that they found mollys corpse. "now it all makes sense," respnnded darryl, "she was acting strange and must have been going insane. i will let you into her home to investigate her suicide." laterthey found her story about a man trying to overdose with sleeping pills.

darryl's reaction was "poor molly lost her mind... she started crumbling and due to that errd in separating and then a worse judgement to kill herself.

darryl woud continue looking or a new girlfrend and his story will continue this story despite molly's stroy ending.

oh ! i almost forgot. they also sent her dna for a test of identity before they used the phone. a week ag=fter they found darryl by her phone and identified her a molly the test of dna came back

who weremolly's parents?

well darryl had never met them and had never even asked molly what her parents name was nor where they lived.

he only knew she was born in america and had assumed she was born here in the same building he met her which was a stupid assumption.

darryl said she was unemployed, so no boss and no contact information at any job. the staff at the dwelling tower did not know anything about her and had not been allowed to ask for personal information.

the dna test was the only way to identify her parents.

even in her room when they found her purse it only confirmed the detail that they already knew that eher name was molly and she had dated daryl.

her phone lakd any number for her parents and her purse too.

the dna test was shocking results.

between the section that geneticists know describe the eyes and the ears was a segment that differed from most humans that they had decoded... instead of being near each other a segment from the junk dna that did not describe any body part was there between the eye and the ears. they could see the chemical signal for her eye color. the geneticist had responded to this discovery by writing the location of the strange anomoly and skipping to the art of the dna where that sequence of junk dna is common...

there he found the swap


in the place of that junk dna was a srries of chemicals that bridged between the continuing pattern of the common junk dna in humans to the other side where only PART of the description of glands that produced hormones were symbolized in chemical patterns. the bridge was 78 pairs of chemical that replaced part of the hormonal glands and bridged until part of the junk dna as above. this segment was unexpectedly a sequence identical to the series of a strand of part of the rna in the virus called influenza.

that is crazily impossible. how did a segment of viral rna grow in a lady body and why did she have no parents.

they traced her genetic sequences that indicated one parents was from irish style but the  mix did not match any human group... not native american nor native chinese nor native... anything... was she cloned using a virus to grow a copy of some child who did have irish parents?

darryl claimd it matched her psersonality and odd behavior that she was a hybrid human and visitor meaning non-human visitor from a different planet.

the detectives did not want to accept any explanation that was based n ideas that were not known but darryl insisted that the suicide and dna all matched her dd behavior before their date and her irrational behavior during the date when they separated and was the best expalnation for her losing her ability to think that led to jumping off the brij.

yes that was the best expalnation.

the story will continue with darryls adventures.

another huge chapter ready, this dawn i awoke inspired by two ideas resulting from mollys suicide. the tragedy of the crushed kids and the odd dna and why they needed to examine her dna as told from the prespective of her ex-date darryl. 4300 words 

wow ! 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

molly ten


daryl finally found an inconvenient park place.  he walked far to his regular rest'ront. now he knew to simply press the electronic device button to instantly see which table was available. the colored number flashd zero, so he quikly rushd franticly  searching for table zero... all the many tables had various users... that is the meaning of zero, not even one empty table.

the next option was to sit uncomftirbly at the long bar but he strongly hated that. he suddenly recald that his table reservation was at nine. he randomly gesd which time. it must be nearly nine considering the  long time since natural dark came here.

nope. he now saw the digital clok shined "six twenty". he thout "six and a third but normal people never said that. it was less than haf so too small. oops they indeed say quarter... and a fourth is smaller than thirds.

he dejectedly found a narrrow stool by the  bar and sadly sank into the puffy cushin. the tender, a tender-looking girl gently askd which drink he wanted. "margarita no rocks". she hastily hurryd to prepare the cocktail mix.

as he lazily sat there, a pretty lady neard him, moving purposefully as if aimd at her trget. she said offensively, "i'm gonna call you darryl. which beer do you like?--lef blond--oh the lyt stuff cool. now YOUR turn to choose MY name." 

he reflexively felt surprised that she boldly said his trendy pick-up: "which beer do you like". he was also naturally stund that a strange woman correctly gesd his name. he slowly ponderd that his name was not rare... yet still from many possibilities this felt eerily odd. she brazenly cald "hey kid, get a lef blond for darryl on me." then she swiftly jerkd her face to him and said "well tell me. do you wanna bang a candy or a kiki or who?"

daryl felt stund. he was  not accustomd to such flings... he worriedly felt scared that she was initiating for money. so he specifyd, "i stipulate no money--nope, just a fun fling with no names. that is why i drink lots of wine--which wine?--anything 12%. and i already reserved a good room so you dont pay. we just have a fun fling." when he did not reply she soothingly added "i coud pik anyone but you seemd the best.--thank you. i think we can have a fun fling... ann--ann?? you wanna bang an ann?? well fine with me... but if i am ann i better get more wine.--which name do you like to here?--whichever name my date enjoys banging" she replyd with a wink.

darryl neatly calculated that he woud certainly miss his supper reservation, but the intense pleasure pland with ann woud be far more fun than eating alone. if he really felt hunger, then he coud easily order room service, there. it woud be good quality if she was not lying about the five star hotel. he hopefully imagined something like the hyatt.

while ann, whose name was obviously not ann, returned carefully holding a glass bottle of hard champagne... molly was in her tiny room, alone again. she had recklessly skipd dinner yet unnaturaly felt too ill to eat anything. she must eat something maybe some warm soop. she had finished her brif shower and was already wearing her thik pyjamas. how woud she fill the many hours? she felt very weak and drowsy, yet hours  remaind before common sleeping time, despite the relatively early darkness in winter season.

she morosely sat and strenuously unfolded her computer and skillfully started typing a fictional story... she aptly forgot about the instant soup she had responsibly pland.

at the bar... ann was swigging white wine from the clear bottle of bubbly. darryl was very slowly sipping from his magenta margarita. he askd ann about her parents. she instantly replyd "first tell me about yours". daryl naively relyd on her secrecy and on the doubtful assumption that she did not know his cruel parents, and openly reveald, while smiling, the dreadful memorys...  "i constantly remember my helplessness and the physical pain of both parents harshly and in long series hitting me..." she interrupted, "you n-a-u-t-y--N-A-U-T-Y boy, well tonyt you will DESERVE those spankings" she added and winked her ryt eyelid.

"actually i was a good kid. i am not angry now but the fact is they hit me without punishment. not ony had i not done bad, they did not even say any reason to hit me just to get out their anger they woud each spend several minutes repeatedly hitting me as i was crying and powerless.--well tonyt you will be powerless from PLEASURE" she said winking again.

darryl curiously askd, "now tell me about your parents--well my mom... um, she was extremely subserviant to my pa. too extreme... it creepd me out... like seeing her ask permission a hundred times each hour. if i wanted to sleep at a frends house she woud say "absolutely not! wait, unless your pa agrees." sometimes my pa agreed but most of the time he woud isolate me from  frends. my pa was a mean jerk. i only wish he knew how much of a slut i am now... and... he probably woud not [give a bleep] care. parents are HORRRID" she emphasized emphaticly. then she cald the tender "hey kid please pack darryl's drinks to go." darryl bit bak his protest. 

while the tender moved the drink to a coverd plastic cup he lifted the beer bottle. ann cald a car service and said "hey papa i am ready at point b". darryl heard thru her foen, "i was waiting here since i brout you."

while the tender returnd with the plastic cup ann added "luckily my pa NEVER hit me. he was rotten by being distant but he never scared me or hurt me just ignored me and kept me from frends. such a jerk. i wish he knew what a slut i am now, but he probably doesnt even..." she stopd as the tender arrived with the cup. then she hauld him strait to the door and directly out to a blak limo with three doors. 

she opend the bak door and the inside was a square of gray sofas. "papa take us to point c". the driver grunted and soon they arrived at the fancy hotel. truly worthy of five stars. the lobby was unusually tall and spacy room with a flashy crystal chandelier. she yankd him to a cozy couch and orderd "sit here." she turnd away then turnd back "please" as she added another wink. she ignored the line and easily got the card for the door from her frend. darryl thout she must be wealthy having money for hotels and car service too. too bad she did not want a relationship. they coud live luxuriously... but he woud enjoy whatever life thru at him. he woud save his drinks for later.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

molly 9

continuing from the trip home after the separation... daryl drove his ex home.

surprisingly early, molly returned to her dimly lit and cool room. in the warm corridor, the arab and spaniard immigrants had waved to her... flirtily... creepy. many single immigrants some short and others usual, had moved in during november. she had sulkily pasd the tiny room owned by the chinese students,  who had recently swapd with a quiet hebrew couple. was she the only native in the building? that query discouragingly added to her loneliness. those hebrews had their own classical language, and claimed that they were not zionists. she thout that they truly were zionists just not publicly. they probably felt lonely too... but they were coupled.

her surprising day was a  zigzag roller coaster ride of sudden ups and downs. her optimistic hope was awfuly ruind. fake frends who were painfully exposed as not real frends... until none remained. she pessimisticly doubted her hopeless future: alone. had she chosen poorly? was she correct to suddenly separate from daryl? certainly. 

large expenses are very important. he regularly spent much money on expensive restaurants and what would remain for buying an adequit house. her appearnace was important too: fixing her common blak hair and wearing good dresses... not the cheap stuff. she forbade herself fancy puffy dresses but she honestly needed decent dresses. she felt emotionaly tired... she slowly trudged forward, towards her bed. showering  now would feel nice. soon she woud shower.

she briefly considered how rich was daryl? how was he able to frequently buy fancy meals. could he realy be wealthy enough for both luxury meals and her regular dresses? and a home and a car? well he had a company car so no need to buy a car. hmm.

before she showered, she quickly glanced at her old dresses. four were already faded,so she hesitatinglt puld them out, first a flowery one with many colors.  second the violet one that she often wore. the third was blue and the fourth would be shameful to wear anymore.  she spent a fourth of her salary on dresses but they were so expensive and did not last. the dye died too soon. this year, she had joyfully bought that fourth one and already it faded. she coud wear the second old one, maybe one last time. she must buy more later.

money.... what if she sweld fat?  women always got more fat after weddings. this was not a holy thout yet true. then her dresses would not fit anymore. they would be small... and she woud need to by new dresses... and worse she woud be heavy. furthermore she coud not wear the same colors each week. black and yellow repetitively. even if she preserved her thin form.

she was not skinny just thin. she decided to give just one simple dress to the poor. but shoud she give a faded one? here hung one that she wore a few times already. sadly she parted with the seventh dress, with two shades of green joind by a wavy border. 

giving was too difficult. however, she woud buy different ones... many dresses... so she coud give one. people say giving makes you feel happy... she was not happily nor easily giving. she nearly faild to pull the dress out for donation. 

there was an ugly orinj dress which she wore only once. sad molly thout about the waste paying over 100$ for a modern dress which she almost never used. that shoud be the one to donate. whoever wore that, woud be popular. after separating those 3 dresses she felt that her sudden choice was at risk of cancellation by her regret. first she must shower, again. she woud donate the dresses this week. now that she had decided, she imagined some young girl who coud not buy her own, happily enjoying the dresses she woud soon donate.

she woud also donate that ancient antique tray, with decorations. She never used it and now regretted buying it at the home sale. was she being pessimistic about the money? she answered herself simply "large expenses were important." since she had already showered, now she had a quik shower.

daryl also felt shokd at the sudden change from reunion to separation.  well like most guys he can  quietly move forward. to the next 3 billion females... well... the young youthful ones. he pourd himself a cold drink. then shiverd thinking of the snow as he drank it smoothly. he unexpectedly enjoyed the coolness. 

daryl went to his only car. he turned  leftward, and hungrily drove back to the restaurant. he had a hungry tummy to feed. at the wide  intersection he counted a tenth of the journey. he counted the women that had separated from him this week. one dawn, ,two sally, three molly who had harshly separated in the public place. he was certain that he woud acheive an actual success with the fourth lady. he had single-handedly chased away three ladys in just one week. or were they too choosy? youthfuly oversensitive. he carefully stopd by the red lyt. relationships were hard and confusing.  did he actually care? 

the gap until the next intersection seemd longer so he counted seventh of the trip. he wondered dreamily "were many women that picky? usualy he woud date each lady for at least a week before separations, but this week had short segments... fragments. maybe he shoud rejoice that he met 3 in one week.  he was far from the status of the seducers... yet even three was hardly an acheivement.

Half way there.  finding another lady woud be easy. more green lyts... only an 8th or 9th of the trip remained... some ladys were simply too mean.. he felt that he drove a far distance, despite the same as when he drove molly homeward. 

had he done something bad to chase molly away? he only acted his nature. now he was near the eatery. he glanced distractedly at his lyt bag, it was creamy white with red circles and nearly empty. he shortly concluded that the meeting was flawless. 

he coolly drove near the entrance. there was no parking available. this trouble was also caused by molly. now he was forced to park elsewhere and walk far... in the cold.  he forcefully hisd "lady's suck... which is slang for "they are horrid".

Saturday, January 23, 2021

UMBRELLA my intro to the series UMBRELLA academy

foreword to intro: despite the series starting wisely, from the mysterious births. next properly introducing characters, still most of the adventure story is presented as shatterd slivers and bad flashback order. the stories had flaws despite the action. the existing summaries were vague. *altho [sound so go] fans want dialog the summarys are bad. so i fix.

my intro to the series UMBRELLA academy before my summary of episode one.

in 1989, a thin lady jumpd into a public pool. the water got bloody and her body is mysteriously ready for birth. by the pool she bore a baby [probably the girl named vanya]. simultaneously, other similar births occurd, from ladies who were instantly ready for birth. sir adopted 7. this team will *fyt crime. Everyone in the team has the same birthdate: October 1.

after training, their first mission was in 2002. The young teens interrupted a bank robbery. they killd some criminals. ben used ability of squid tentacles there. ben died in 2006. klaus can communicate with him since his ability is talk with ghosts. now, in 2019, after their rich adopter died,  they must prevent the nearing apocolyps that five already saw occur.

the abilities: allison 3 can influence people by speaking a rumor.

ben 6 squid power

diego 2 can redirect bullets and knives or moving items.

five 5 can instantly move to another place.

klaus 4 can hear ghost speech.

luther 1 has superhuman strength

vanya and victor7 sir told both no powers.

episode one: the seven gathered for a funeral ceremony for pa. diego and luther *fout until diego threw a knife that cut luther's arm, five fout thugs. he warnd vanya about the nearing human extinction that he saw occur.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

the week rhyme

 the week rhyme

we were watching baseball, on day-sa'tur

i wish homeruns from my faver't batter

i play it in minor leag on day-sun

last week, my fun homerun, helpd,  and we won

i hate returning to school on day-mon

i wanna see action vids that have guns

later i will take a tuf quiz, day-tues, 

i study so i'm prepared for my dues

a history test will be on day-wen

i'm annoyd that i must study again

i enjoy time with Ann, we meet day-thur

the rest of the week, i feel i miss her

we wash and hang our clothing on day-fri

by sunday morning they're ready and  dry

here sunday is first and that seems quite fine

china starts monday, where was the date-line?


note: china not only differs using numbers for the week cycle but also differs that the first day is the day we call monday. last week i considered a cause that china starts a week on a different day. despite many possibilities,  such as "simply"  starting from the day of work, that is not simple but assumes they rested sunday which is a christian day in their west while the tradition in that region was  budhist not christian. we must ask where is the date line and where was the date line.

the "best" interpretation is prefferd if it was based on ideas we already know. when we fly from japan eastward to hawaii we know we cross the imaginary date line which is based, like the numbers of longitude,  on london britian. if we fly over that line at 3:30 pm then on the west side of the line on saturday we know the east side calls the time friday and there will reach saturday afternoon after 24 hours. therefor we can interpret that in the past the idea and week theory in both the west and china was the same. the difference indicates that the date line was between china and their west. on china's saturday the west already started their week after saturday, and "sunday" was not only first as in britian but markd by sun, for us the largest star. 24 hours later china ended saturday and started their week. then when the british made a date-line at the sea the traditional day was the same name but the tradition CONTINUED meaning ENDING the week 24 hours later and calling monday the number one same as tradition must have been.

objectively, considering this explanation is based on "an idea we already know" as we seein the modern date-line therefore it is the objectively best explanation, and answers the question where WAS the dateline in the past. if we assume they did not have one, we cannot reach that conclusion, from doubt, and it is not based on any idea that we know and by objective standards the location of the date line is the "best" explanation. the difference indicates as above that the location of the dateline WAS west from china.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

molly 8

 Daryl slowly drove his small but new company car into the underground parking of a tall hotel. he optimisticly announced "i feel optimistic that we will soon find a space." molly noticed the emotional change, in contrast to those  emotions which they had felt then, at the crash. He quikly  found a space and carefully drove the car backwards into the space.   daryl proudly announced, "yesterday was the last time i backd out of a spot, dangerously--o-k" she doubtfully agreed, althoe she sometimes bakd out. darryl parkd  successfully.

the only option, to go upward from the parking level was annoyingly climbing steps by foot. darryl gently moand "these ecological fanatics went too far. we are like primitives as if  elevators were  forbidden." after an awkward silence,  he mournfully continued "what about the fuss about wheel chairs ! that requires necessary accessibility... according to the SAME modern liberal crap." again she was silent.

during the laborious climb, she finally commented "stair-climbing is healthy. we already climbed around twenty steps.--truly we climbed exactly 20" he slowly corrected her. So she asked "are you sure?--yep, I am really certain."

At the wooden door,  she cheerfully opend it and they entered the elegant lobby. a fancy frame held an ad "eat meaty, not organic plants." daryl cheerfully smiled as such a phrase 

woud only be found in a purchased ad, to necessarily balance the peer pressure to urgently prefer organic and "save the veal". he excitedly pointed the ad to her by saying "i really like that ideal ad--is it ironic sarcasm or sincere?--you are too intelligent, for me". the long lobby was narrow. Darryl chivaresly offerd "do you wanna sit here first, in these chairsor this soft sofa?--I prefer a personal booth." she answered. They briskly waukd to the elaborately decorated entrance of the restrant. he stopd by the elevated desk to patiently wait for any waitress. One blond one hurriedly pasd,  without stopping. Molly doubtfully presd the button on the desk. An  electronic number instantly flashed and appeared showing the yellow digits 12. they immediately started searching for table twelve, as they calmly began to zig and zag between the other  tables. each ornate table top was a different color. in contrast to other restaurants where all the tables were blak top, here several tables were  different shades of red. others were green or white or various shades of blue. Each had another color.

finally they saw table 12 and waukd strait toward it. Molly hastily sat but he recalld that she preferd a private booth. so he presd the call button on the table and a message appeard "calld". then they patiently sat and waited for somebody to move them. they sat silently. after checking the clock that five minutes had pasd, daryl stood. molly askd where are you going?--to find a personal booth for you--i only said that kuz i hate lobbys where everybody is passing but here is fine" she explained soothingly. darryl sat and askd her "is anything interesting happening in the world?" that led to a nice dialog until a waitress, wearing a tag, named charlit, came and politely offerd them either the drink menu or the meal menu. daryl said "we begin with water" so she left.

While darryl and molly sat comftirbly by the clean table, molly curiously askd him "why didn't you scream when your nebbir tragicly died?--kuz we must be tuff--i meant, um,  you rarely cry and you did sob sadly,  but in contrast to the terrible crash when you screamd, why not for your nebbir who you knew?--i simply guess that seeing the blood causd me to scream there--but your nebbir also bled horribly--that's it! when i knew the guy i responded genuinely with sadness, i started to cry,  but for a stranger i responded with reflex and instinct to scream loudly." concluded darryl wisely. he suddenly noticed the handsome waiter approaching hastily, who skillfully balanced a big tray, with two larj stem-cups and a huge jug of water.

the waiter with water warned them "we do not serve kosher food--what's that" askd darryl. "i dunno either but i dutifully tell everyone." molly askd "but why DONT you know?--kuz we DONT have it" emphasized the waiter with a teasing smile. he slowly pourd water from the jug into the larj glasses almost fully. he askd "are you comftirbil?-yes" they replied in chorus. "shall i leave the jug or is that enuf water here?--yep" responded darryl stupidly. molly clarified "please leave it kuz water is the best drink." darryl added, "later we will also order better drinks too." molly commented "you pourd enuf, generously". darryl noted the cups were high due to the stem. molly returnd to the kosher issue and said "kosher is what jews need.--seems like an adequit explanation" responded the waiter politely. Darryl openly stated "you are smart but that is boring. we are allowed anything. where are the menus?--i like that you are genuine", praised molly. the waiter who wore a tag "walter" explained that the meals  would be expensive so he must ask if they want the cheaper menu or the expensive menu.

darryl  already felt  foreign, althoe he daily ate at restrants, this had never happened. to hide his nervousness he joked "water from waiter walter." Molly reliably replyd, "today, cheap menu." before darryl could protest, walter readily responded "excelent choice. i will bring the dairy menu and hot coffee." however, Darryl firmly protested "i genuinely feel generous, now--that is stupid, dont spend too much money just kuz the ad said eat meaty" molly criticized. walter added "I sincerely assure you the cheap meu is also delicious food and we must serve everything fresh, for our honorable reputation." Darryl happily said "i prefer an enjoyable meal with these tall stem-cups." an awkward silence reigned so he continued "most days, i mean i eat in restrants lots of times, greek ones,  turkish ones, usualy the cups are low," concluded darryl  joyfully. "let's have a special meal" agreed molly. walter  immediately went to bring the menu. darryl noticed that his pants were khaki and a pretty lady sat together with a man on the same soft sofa in a booth.

molly hisd at darryl "that is not efficient. you are a kind person yet still you should not spend money freely.--but the tall cups are special.--that is a crazy reason--i am trying to be likable and i can afford it.--i never said you were poor. even wealthy people AWT to spend efficiently.--your idea is right." concluded darryl who did not pursue the argument and insted smiled at her. he thout she was hiding that she preferd spending. molly added, in a tone of regret for being stubborn,  "anyway we will enjoy a favorable experience." the waiter virtuously returnd early. he gave the menus and droned boringly about the many healthy options, that filled a fifth of the menu. loud noise drowned the droning as an old couple yelld at each other in hebrew. molly knew they must be israeli based on the language. she did not interrupt the waiter, but did reassure herself that a few israelis must be good. Darryl did interrupt "all food is beneficial ergo healthy". Molly kindly encouraged walter "that is interesting please continue." walter grind favorably, "you are nice, we also serve our famous shell-free crab in our sweet sauce.--that sounds wonderful" said darryl, clearly happy. "i heard your special sweet sauce is purple?" molly asked in a questioning tone. walter explained "correct, and it is great.--purple is funny"  Darryl joked uneasily. the waiter stated "by the way i heard only RELIJIS jews need kosher, and that the term means valid.--i thout jew was religion?" askd darryl. "nope some are secular jews" explaind molly  importantly. "anyway lets enjoy a pleasant meal" urged darryl.

molly normally ate simple meals, kuz spending less is wiser. she worried that if d and her were married, he would use up all the money on expensive meals. then how would she have money to buy dresses? her appearance was important, ergo money was central among her prioritys. she needed dresses when she danced. a long time ago, she had not yet forgotten her good dancing. while she thout about memorys of easily dancing, but recently mediocre dancing, darryl imagined a pile of newly boiled cubes of crab meat in a porcelain dish with sweet purple sauce around it. Since last year he had not eaten crab. he noticed a short woman walking past. Darryl asked "what do you consider a handsome man?--a symmetrical face" answerd molly. "which things in life are easy?--choosing correctly from "multiple choice" exams.--i agree kuz when you see the answer it reminds you of the lesson.--althoe too often none of the answers are suitable." running out of ideas, darryl soud this table is sound wood."

molly rescued the dialog by asking "what do you consider virtuous deeds and proper deeds?" Daryl thout and finally answerd "i dunno people think religion provides the answers to stuff like that but i dont like religions. i just live simply." molly offerd, "if you found a wallet with an id card you woud probably honorably return it.-i saw on tv a kid returned a wallet and the guy accused him of taking money from it.--ugh, the modern world sucks kuz this kid did a worthy noble action and then sufferd from it.--the lesson is reliable advice: dont return a wallet and since it wont get back to the owner anyway better to use the money." the moral discussion felt unsatisfying. molly strongly wished that proper deeds led naturaly to beneficial results. darryl askd "will you do anything fun tomorrow?--i have tickets to musical theater--that is normal, kuz every video has background music in every scene--i meant the type with people singing during the story. A cold wind enterd from outside as the door opend. "i like when people sing good" commented darryl. molly corrected him "you mean "i like good singing"--what's the difference?--althoe the word good is an adverb, speaking properly means not saying  substandard terms so since "good" is considerd substandard as an adverb ergo i changed the action into the noun "dancing".--skillfull" darryl praised her. molly continued, "so we can change actions from verbs into nouns like "slowly walking" to "slow walker".--"is that legal?" teased daryl. the conversation was not natural. 

last time the dialog had proceeded excellently. molly had enjoyed talking to him. but now she felt too academic and nerdy and he seemd too simple... about everything... grammar and his previous interaction earlier, and morality... yet those issues were not real issues. the important stuff was money and health. well he ate at restrants so frequently the money would rush away. she had hoped to get back together with darryl, but just kuz he complimented her hair wasnot a reason. the dialog was slow... he would pump all his money out... no tropical vacations... and she did not even enjoy being near him... she considered separating now, but felt bad dropping him the same day that they had slept... but guys do that regularly... and it would save him money on two expensive meals if she would be honest. "darryl we need to talk", said molly softly, echoing the common break-up phrase. "yup, this talk is BORING, lets talk about dancing". 

molly felt torn... this could save the dialog but maybe this save was too late... she did not feel strong enuf to separate now but better now then to lead him on. "i mean i think we shoud separate". darryl's eyes jumped wide open. she continued "i dont feel ill, the time is not " very late" but still i dont like that you spend so much money... on me." darryl gazed at her clearly shokd. "so i dont want you to buy me a fancy dinner and we should stop dating."--"really? i think you are pretty"--i am certain, so if you want we can meet for dancing next week but we must stop dating now. darrryl now realized he was wrong about her wanting to spend. she had been sincere. so he asked "when was the last time you bought a dress?"--"i buy one each week"--so isnt that 400 dollars per month?--yes that's  why we should not spend on expensive meals." darryl gazed at her in horror. she also spent lots just on other stuff... molly continued "that is the reason money is important to me and we should stop dating it wont lead anywhere.--well i can be flexible and buy you a meal at the place you feel comfy.--great, lets go" molly urged. "i can eat here alone later" darryl calmly explained. molly repeated "great let's leave--but are we separating?--yes ! i know its your money and i should not interfere yet still i cant bear your  spending so we must stop dating. and you dont need to by me ANY meal kuz now we stop dating.

they had not seen the waiter return but he heard that and blurt out "harsh... oops i mean can i take your order oh man..."--i will be back tmoro caden" darryl assured his waiter. caden, whose tag said walter left. "you mean his name is not walter?? you even said walter!" molly whined. "i was nervous, i feel nervous around pretty girls i dont wanna turn them off you know?" now mollly felt ill, she said "just take me home with you." they silently walked to the stairway  and downward. darryl safely  drove homeward. they did not even try to converse until reaching  the tower where they lived and the crime scene of the tragic murder. he slowd and stopd by the curb and molly jumpd out and ran straight to the door of her tower. she had no appetite anymore.

darryl parked and rode the elevator upward. 

he enterd his room where everything was thrown around from their fun. he did not feel like cleaning now.  thoroughly cleaning  his room would be easier tmoro. in fact why wait? he phoned the same restrant and reserved a table... but none wold be available until 9pm. darryl cussd and murmurd "women suck" which is slang for they are horrid.

t.b.c=to be continued.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

new testament suggestions

we must avoid jumping too quickly to conclusions for example: when we compare the list of kings in book kings and chronicles and chronicles chapter three to the first chapter of matthew a simple person jumps too quickly to the conclusion "matthew is flawed" due to the difference between chronicles 3 and the list in matthew yet there are five or more combinations to solve the difference.

the difference: the former covenant lists many kings between asa until jotam in contrast to matthew where "jotam grandfather was joram" not amazia. who is the name between them? vague.

still we can compare the granpa.

actualy the word in matthew is "gennes" meaning cause like genesis... mathew never claimed to list fathers. one option is to focus on the wording clues: the author intentionally did not write father.  in fact the number 14 indicates that for the purpose of the number 14, that causd intentional skip generations intentionally for the purpose of the number 14 in poetic groups. 

this approach leads to the conclusion "amazia was grandfather of jotam."

A. amazia.

another posssibility is matthew meant father. it told "part of the story" every name is true and the list is simply shorter. "ozias is ahazia" simply the long list is true and the short list is part.

b. this also leads to the conclusion amazia was grandfather of jotam.

another possibility is kings is flawed... we know from other samples that kings is flawed the years between exodus until solomon also between mesa until nebukadnezer thus kings and chronicles are flawed and not a challenge to matthew.  matthew has the only true source joram grandfather.

c. conclusion: joram but  amazia was not the grandfather.

another combination: matthew meant father and joram is grandfather not amaziah, that tells the reality while book kings is "not false" but a mystery. conclusion: only joram.

i also bothered to ask a professor. that messinaic jew who rose to the status of professor claimed that matthew is "not precise" saying "dont expect precision."  i add if matthew was wrtten by divine assistance we shoud expect precision... but if i follow the logic "a or b" that he said "not by divine assisatnce" he will say "he never said THAT", just that it is "not precise" but what yes? error or lie? he never said that either... just what "not... i see from that experience that even the new testament cant fix the filth in jews.

another possibility is matthew meant father despite the word gennes, and the grandfather was not amazia. "matthew is more trustworthy" and the rest of the list is verified granting more trust than the partial list in chronicles.  chronicles is "also  not false" but a mystery while the truth is believe matthew due to greater reliability "jotam grandfather was joram" not amazia.

conclusion joram.

we see very so many possibilities... yet a simple person says "a flaw" if they have the "confirmation bias" of rejecting the christian books they will reject matthew without checking... but we see many options.

 in contrast the commentaries on chronicles note the difference about matanya was he uncle or brother? again we must not jump to conclusions that the books are flawed only different... until we investigate... one commentary wrote "uncle means brother" so believe brother. the other commentary claims "brother means uncle" after investigation we see both only had the option and "corrupted the text" in contrast to the word gennes... after we see the only defense is to ignore the word in the text...  indicates what we already know about the books kings and chronicles. after we believe god knew which is true while the authors did not know, this indicates the books and authors were separate from holy god the authors were separate from god who knows if uncle or not... yet the authors wrote both versions, those authors and books were separate from holy god and the books not holy we MUST NOT MIX those books together with real prophecies such as jeremia, mentioned by name in matthew,  the same as not injecting pagan christmas date into a system whose book never commanded such a celebration. who included them in the first place? rabbis chose we cant trust rabbis.

josephus the historian did not "rely"on either version. he has a third combination without the name "matanya" but "zedekia was uncle" the difference is josepus did not quote either source only preserved the history. he was not prefering either of the bad sources nor quoting either insted he preserved the true history that zedekia was the kings uncle. josps true but not holy  in contrast to those injected books that rabbis wrongly chose to include, maybe he was not even named matanya and he certainly was not the kings brother either... after seeing the defenses are far from the text that flaw is real in contrast to the difference in matthew the words are not corrupted and even if gennes means father can be defended several interpretations.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

molly 7

continuing in Daryl's home. they dressd for their dinner fun.

He wore jeans same as her. He puld on a pair of shiny black boots. they coverd his pink sox. he wore a white shirt with a row of pale blue plastic buttons. Daryl askd her if she liked how he lookd in his narrow bow tie. she said that she did not but askd about a long tie holding two from his closet. daryl explained that today he wanted his buttons to show so she hung the ties for another day. as they puld on their coats, hers as you recall, and his a thick black coat like thick felt, molly mentiond that she saw him cry saying "I saw you mourn and grieve for your nebbir. "i felt very sad that i woud never see him again--you differd from some people who are so sad that they smash all their pretty stuff--that does not match sadness, why do you relate that to mourning?--i saw it in the classic "breakfast at tiffany" when fred, her brother, died she smashed all her beautiful items," molly defended her statement. "ugh," replied Daryl, "that was a horrible story, and her response of breaking stuff does not show sadness." He managed two criticsms together. "well it still shows pain for her brother's death--nope, crying shows pain but breaking stuff indicates losing control." he stated. "i guess you were close" molly concluded. he nodded and opend the front door.

daryl continued the topic of mourning as they waukd along the corridor and enterd the elevator. "when my parents die i will probably cry--obviously," she replied in an annoyd tone. daryl added "i mean despite that now i dont want to see, nor hear nor talk with them ever again still when they die i will probably cry." she was silent for a moment. daryl practiced "waa--wa" molly waaed too. he asked "how about your father?--he's fine" she blurted quickly to try and hide she was lying. she hated tauking abut her dad. so she switjd the topic. she felt a yen for yam but said, "nobody cleand the web in that corner" daryl drew a cloth from his back pocket and wiped it saying "we will--where do you wanna eat?--i will drive to a fancy wok  restirront, yon,  at the hollidee inn--did you see the wen on my back?--nope" he lied. he wisd that he must use wit to win her affection. she realized he was a wiz at tact. he queried further "who do you love in your family?--why?" she evaded. so they were silent.

 the elevator opend in the underground parking of the residency towers. Daryl led her to his assigned parking spot where his car was parked. he presd the correct fingertip on his key and then inserted the key in the door lok. he turnd it counter-clockwise and all the doors of the car unlokd. she enterd from the front door on the other side of the small japanese vehicle. its tyres were still wet. daryl had chosen a green car like the green of tree leaves. the inside was simple dark green fabric. He typed the six digit code and the engine buzd to life. He lookd and carefully drove from the parking place along the way, between the rows of parkd vehicles. "look at those gorgeous vee-i-kels" molly sighed. daryl was imaginning the dinner by dim wan light with a wax candle on the table. at the end of the rows he turnd left and drove around another parking level and around until rising to street level. meanwhile she imagined the possibility that daryl might wed her. she felt he had already won her affection. 

at the exit, the gard did not raise the bar, insted the new guy askd his name. daryl was impatient but said his room number. the gard typd the number and saw on the monitor that the faces matched and smiling politely said "thanks for cooperating". finally he tapd the button that raised the bar and daryl drove out and slowly and carefully turned ryt. a red car was coming toward them fast... in the lane for the opposite way... far too fast... and as it passed them it turnd left behind daryl and due to its speed suddenly started to yaw... then  CRASHED into the gard booth. daryl screamed from the noise and searjd for a place to pull to the side between cars. they jumpd from the car to see if the injured needed an ambulance. they ran past a green yew.

molly thout this woud ruin the plans and felt very frustrated by the crash.

as they ran over the chunks of salt they panted from the effort of running. they reached the parking entrance and saw the car; once so fancy but now was a steaming mess. the glass of the gard booth had shatterd and blood dotted the concrete sides. both daryl and molly shrieked when they saw the blood... a shriek as horrible as when witnessing a shark chomp a leg from  a swimmer... they continued hurriedly to the driver side and saw the blond wig  coverd in blood as daryl screamd again. the face lay limp on the steering wheel, as if a zap had paralyzed the driver.

then he told molly that he was not scared of touching a corpse. she said feel if he has a pulse. daryl gently touched his finger to the neck of the driver and blood gushed over his hand from the shatterd face of an unrecognizable face that appeard. "no pulse" commented daryl. next they went to the gard booth. althoe the concrete had blocked the car somehow the impact had smashed the gard against the back wall where a patch of blood coverd the cement. the gard, the new guy neither knew, lay with his head lying in a puddle of blood... that  was spreading around the gards head.... they both shriekd again... such a horrid way to die... blood like a war zone.

daryl sloshd his shiny boots into the puddle and felt for a pulse. "nope". this time molly only gasped at the gruesome sight. she askd if he screamd kuz he knew the gard? in his shock he paused before saying "nope". molly diald the emergency number and reported "two dead in a car craash" adding the address. as they waukd back to the car molly felt dizzy and wan  from the scene. he puld a wad of tissue from his back pocket to dry some blood from his hands. a guy waukd his dog past them. 

the pet started to yip many yaps excitedly.

molly did not notice the blood on his white shirt. all daryl could say in a state of shock, as he started to wag his head, was "at least the birth rate is faster than the death rate... so these two will be replaced by the time we reach the car.". molly nodded and mumbled "two strangers for two strangers." in the car molly handed him moist soapy tissue to clean his hands. only a wee bit was on his white shirt due to the coat. he commented "that driver must have been wud--what's wood?--i meant crazy," he explained wrying his lips. he thout that trying to woo her after all that horror woud be wasted effort so he drove silently and switjd on his app for the songs he enjoyed. he had enterd the list of songs gradually over months. this time the app resonated with a slow calm melody.  she puld down the wye of her zip.

 arrived at the inn and he drove into the underground parking. they had witnessd three deaths together yet life must go on. daryl said "i feel guilty that i feel hungry". molly nodded and whispered "me too. even watching strangers die was dreadful." they rode the elevator to the diner in the inn, in absolute creepy silence. each thankful the death was not a relative who they liked nor a friend.


dinner food

my commentary to hebrews 1, 2

if you enjoyed the commentary on hebrews chapter one, i add more here. continuing from verse one and introduction at:
Heb' 1:2
vowels: α like pop=pa=card same one sound preservd in "russian da and latin amen" 
ε like bait, η=ē like bed 7, not english ē, i like bit 9, o like boa=so=sew=toe same one sound
u=boo, w like awe=saw=soft, check letters 
  1:2  ἐπ᾽ ἐσχάτων τῶν ἡμερῶν τούτων ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν,  ἐν υἱῷ ὃν ἔθηκεν κληρονόμον πάντων δι᾽ οὗ καὶ τοὺς αἰῶνας· ἐποίησεν   
    ἐπ=ape=in [root ἐπί ] ,, ἐσχάτων=ace+cot+awn=last, h not like english, [root ἔσχατος],, tawn=these=toutawn, 
times=ἡμερῶν=hem+air+awn [root ἡμέρα],  correctly adds h kuz two horns right
τούτων =toe+oo+tawn=  these [root οὗτος]
ἐλάλησεν=ail+a+less+ayn=spoke [root λαλέω], to us=ἡμῖν=hem+in like bed egg, correctly adds h [root same],, by=ἐν=ayn,, his Son=υἱῷ oo+hi+aw  [root υἱός] horns,, who=ὃν hone [root ὅς] horns 
he hath appointed=ἔθηκεν=ate+ek+ain [ending like drain, root τίθημι],, heir=κληρονόμον=kler+own+om+own,  [root κληρονόμος] ,, all things=πάντων=pon+tawn [root πᾶς]
by=δι =di [root διά], whom=οὗ = o+hoo [root ὅς], also=καὶ =ko+i, τοὺς=toe+oos,
the worlds=αἰῶνας =a+i+awn+as [root αἰών]
he made=ἐποίησεν ape+o+i+es+ain [root ποιέω]
2, ἐπ᾽ ἐσχάτων τῶν ἡμερῶν, in these last times, 
 ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν, spoke to us 
ἐν υἱῷ, by his Son, 
ὃν ἔθηκεν, whom he appointed 
κληρονόμον πάντων, heir of all things, 
δι᾽ οὗ καὶ τοὺς αἰῶνας· ἐποίησεν, by him also he made the worlds. 
summary 1+2 together: God spoke to our ancestors through prophets, but later recently He spoke by his Son.
PURPORT  the messsage via his Son CONTINUES the previous "foretold message" in other words 
the "hebrews" letter/message's main message is the link to the plan in the former covenant, the plan God told in advance, in Isaiah, about salvation for the Jews, first and from them to spread to all the world also in isaia i light to the nations. Isaiah contains the idea of one who will "die for our sins and then live long," as well as the jews spreading light to the nations which light? the light that saves from sin in the mentioned message. so that is the idea of the link and continuatiation.
Here the letter  describes the idea of the term "Son". the son has two main chracteristics of a son as defined here. only deception to "refute a different idea of son saying a spirit god cannot have a human son" that is only tricky deception because the definition of son is defined here the same aspect of "heir" that a physical son inheritance that is the idea of son of god not the other characteristics of a physical dson but defining son the one who inherits,  same as the idea of heir that is the idea of son same as heir inherits to distinguish from a human son with birth, insted this son differs and is the idea of heir. 
through this son the worlds were made indicating the son existed from the beginning of the worlds.
here is a reference to the famous claim "alpha and omega  same as gospel john 10, 30 ""i and father are one" same as the father existed in infinite past, with no point of starting, same son is the same one. Here Jesus is describing himself as son as a symbol that a son has the characteristics of the father such he was from the start the same idea in the beginning of gospel john about the son "all things were made by him and had life by him" that is the idea here by him the creation, making and causing life to everything in the world. this indicates not only divinity of creating but includes the time as above the saame one as the Father. if unitarians deny the divinity they reject the message in John chapter 10, 30. when the pope recently said "people think God is a creator that can do anything they are wrong" that rejects divinity and the message both here and in john chapter one which was written by john a disciple "talmid" who heard the idea from his teacher Jesus the same yeshua jesus who wrote this idea here.
verse 3 to be continued 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

my review and critique "breakfast at tiffany"


nebbor died but not like tifny where broke smash for pain for death 

laso refer drama of watching stranger die screaming 

you did not scream in contrast to deep blue sea scream, kuz did not know him but of my lil bro died... if my parents died i would cry eventhoe i hate em

my review of the classic video "breakfast at tiffany"

my parents made a big fuss about the film breakfast at tiffany. i recall one meal they mentioned it and i could not know what they referd to kuz they watched alone without me. i knew i did not know and did not ask... waiting for a different topic but they kept repeating filling the long dialog until i was missing the whole dialog so i asked and ma replied "what do you think"--me: i ask kuz i dont know--"just guess"--me: i guess tiffany is a diner kuz of breakfast"

i guessed based on the words which in literature is always correct. they repleied by ridiculing me that i dont know i think i know everything but i dont know... i replyd i asked showing i dont know but they kept ridiculing he thought tiffany is a diner hahaha revealing the pran they planned to repeat until i asked... well mission accomplished now i hate you.

the film has many themes each separate and almost incoherent barely connected.

it has party with alcohol and shiny jewelery. the actors show emotion even smashing pretty stuff in mourning and love and regret at the end searching for cat all barely connected. the story is dreadful and worse has the "praise" for the excitement in stealing. gross. 

the story has many flaws. so i replace the "beloved classic" with a summary and a review.

  recap: a taxi drove and stopd by a jewelery shop. a lady, called holly, exited and gazed at the shiny jewelery. she ate her sweet "breakfast at the jewelery shop named tiffany." there now i know why they lafd at me.

critique: the first flaw is starting with a refutation of "equality and utopia." anybody that has a salary and a job will see jewelery shops and want a variety of expensive jewelery therefore a job and equal wages will always lack the expensive stuff people want to buy "big tv and decorated mirrors and shiny jewelery and more shiny jewelery. and expensive alcohol... all foreshadowing her plan to wed a rich man... and her dream to get more shiny expensive jewelery.... gross... and so far from realistic thinking. the only way to get jewelery is to steal and swindle people with deception. people can think of infinite deceptions. too rare to meet a person who is decent... i dont even expect decent... almost everybody is far from decent, rare to find somebody not a rat... which is  a theme in the film.

scene 2 the lady, holly,  slept that morning after breakfast, and the buzzer awakes her. she often visits a prisoner at prison and when she delivers a message gets paid as she told a man, named paul. then she went to the train and the prison.

scene 3 unrelated to continuity a lady visits paul.  as his decorater but more than a decorater. in contrast to him paying a decorater to decorate his home she pays him... mysterious. 

holly returns from a date with a guy who wants to spend time with her. she climd the fire escape to visit paul. they drink alcohol and smoke... spending money on such stuff as a favor for the audience... if the viewers cant buy expensive alcohol they can see the actors drinking it. or buy it instead of food.

paul read the invitation to a party. then he spoke on the phone with the lady who cheats on her marriage with bill. later she suspects her husband bill is watching her and might know she is adulterous. but hey america is about freedom both from bible rules and from wedding commitments.... if you think smoking is a vice... marriage is just as loose. due to her husband bill she cancels her plans to meet paul.

paul went to the wild loud party with expensive alcohol such as bourbon and more. the ladys act drunk... so not only talking. the noise annoyd a nebbor who warns they better quiet or he will call cops. aware of the warning paul led a guest out and holly also luckily left with a guy... the cops broke up the loud alcohol party.

so what is the story about? what happened? much talking but at least stufff happened. a lady gazed at shiny jewelery, another lady cheated on her wedding commitment.  people dance and drink expensive alcohol and loudly annoy their neighbors until the police return order.

such a gross story only dreadful like my awful parents who did pranks on me are a match to enjoy vices and loose marriages... but for me that is not the red line... i dont expect people to obey the bible about marriage commitments... holly influenced paul to steal that is not a friend... and he enjoys the excitement... and the time with her in this fiction that never happend we must avoid people who pull us to to do bad actions... and the praise of the exxcitement of stealing is unforgivable even worse than the lady cheating on her wedding which the bible said was more severe yet worse is the INFLUENCE to perform acts of evil and the praise of excitement for crime, which i quoted only to condemn.

holly describes that men give her money when she goes to the powder room... what world is that?

do they pay her to return? are they paying for her to make herself look pretty so they can enjoy the view... either way she left with the money. and she buys wide necklaces so her money dwindles and she needs to wed a rich man.

holly and paul visit the prison and talk. she gets the weather report to deliver for money. this seems insignificant but has continuity.

a man watches their shared building. the decorater is concerned her husband knows she is violating her wedding vows and marriage commitment. paul investigates and finds the man wed holly. he wants her back and has a threat: he will only welcome her brother if holly is part of his family then her brother can be with them but if she is separate then her brother is not part of the family... seems reasonable. holly replies her bro can stay with her. and tells paul that they anjnulled her wedding to this man so they escort him to the bus. the emotional farewell aw.

paul and holly watch a dancer undress... in those decades the audience could not see the stripper the world was different back then. is that what people like? a movie where people violate many laws of bible and morality?? most of it is gross and worse stealiing from a shop was the red line for me.

holly pland to wed a rich man but the rich man wed a different lady. my critique? women who wed for money are identical exchange is prostitute for money the only differenc eis she gets the guys money and can refuse acting married... so what is the money for?

paul asks holly what she thinks of the rich guy marrying? she said "no loss he had huge debts" and she will find other rich men... paul shows he is insulted that she does not consider him an option considering their frendship and her visits.

paul spends the day with holly having fun engraving initials on a toy ring... i condemn the part when she influences him to steal and they enjoy the excitement. gross. that shows i am a "bad square". if law prohibits me distributing the disc... perhaps i should give the publishers a taste of their own message they cant sell the disk kuz i will give free copies to everybody... and nobody will buy it... ah that law is enforced....

luckily such messages are so gross i have no desire to circulate them only to critique the story.

a short story i read a few months ago has a similar idea when a "frend" dares a guy to steal... but the guy gets caught and loses his friends and family including the guy who he thought was his frend... now that has a message that bad frends are not true frends.

after paul enjoyed the day with holly he separates from his lover, but discovers holly sees him in the frend zone. paul brings the gift with symbolic initials to holly looking hopeful.he phoned her but she is not home so he went to the library and saw she is reading about brazil for her plans to wed a rich brazilian.

finally some excitement: paul hears screaming and smashing. holly is breaking all her pretty stuff... in mourning for her brother who died. the drama.

her emotions change to joy and hope as she studyd the language of brazil and plans to wed a rich brazilian. the pressure cooker bursts open so paul and holly eat together at a restaurant.

when holly and paul return cops arrest them and accuse holly of delivering messages involving narcotics. holly said she will "skip bail" to leave the country. paul is furious that desite enjoying his company she does not want to continue and criticizes her as he left the cab.

the happy ending... she realizes she should stay with her closest frends and reunites with her cat and paul. well what led to that? nothing the story is awful with bad messages almost as dreadful as the book genesis... except genesis has murder and rape which are far worse...

in the end no concerrn of me "redistruibuting" this awful disk i wont even keep it. crak the disk is replaced by this summary and critique.