Tuesday, December 6, 2022

sam the spy part 3

sam the spy part 3
contnuity: spy sam of u.s.cia was on the trail of aron. the flying crime boss with a criminal air force one plane. his partner mike of fbi had finally found that aron never left his jet home in the air!
story part 3
mike used fbi authority to demand he land for questioning. aron lied that he would obey but simply did not. fbi cooperted with air force who follow the jet and they discovered it was doing arial refueling using several civilian companies separate from aron's airlines. fbi demanded the usaf shoot it down but the general refused to shoot a civilian jet.
sam's plan was better. mike contacted him by video chat to plan a bank robbery in mexico. a major bank. aron flew over the border and thinking himself safe in mexico finally landed. spy sam led a cia field unit to confiscate and study aron's jet. aron was released and went with mike to rob the bank. sam himself rode a motorbike from the airport where his crew was inspecting the jet and its hidden compartments, to arrest mike and aron. while the trembling teller man was dumping paper dollars ibnto ron's leather bag sam entered. mike aimed his gun at sam! did he want the money? aron said in spanish to keep loading the bag and added in english "surrender to mike". sam ignored him and mike's pointed pistol... sam used his rifle to shoot aron who fell dead. mike lowered his gun and returned the money to the bank. they carried the corpse to the van, that mike drove to the airport where they searched the corpse, removing weapons and money and electronic data devices. they found that sam had shot him with a hollow bullet that injected poison. they put the corpse in a wood coffin and in a pile of wood crates. only after the coffin was loaded did sam tell that the poison was sleeping chemical and he would awake in the wood coffin for questioning back in u.s. 
***mission accomplished. 
sam asked for re-assignment to investigate the mysterious death in briton but was denied due to the risk he might die there. at least sam plan had worked for the capture and questioning of aron.
during sam's mission the microbot 2 were doubling rapidly as they digested the iron microbots and grew and split and spread soon the number doubled enough to spread significantly filling province after empty province once the deadly ones were chased away the rich chinese left the bunkers and hired chinese americans to meet charter jets that flew from china to the california coast loaded with people, refueled and continued to brazil for the africa mission. they started military training aiming artillery and coastal guns to prevent western colonialism.
during this training the microbots from briton had ended everyone in briton and spread to france. from the east the bots had advanced into the balkans and spread death toward switzerland. the robots had found them but could not stop their advance westward and now the brit ones were advancing eastward. themany countries were doomed. nato nuclr weapons were useless against the chinese microbot that the spies did not know about kuz chinese government did not know about except li the enginner and programmer.
al the neo nazi had a new scheme. while the harvest bots were hunting and absorbing the blood bots, and multiplying and doubling and spreading to replace the blood bots in china... the bots were still in africa. they searched until they could not find survivors to obey the program. also no blood anywhere nearby to attract them north along the nile sea coast which was the nile continents north coast.
they started buying advertisements to jews andnegros urging the "you jews and negroes who always preserved your identity now have opportunity to return to your calm peaceful homeland without fear from arab neighbors nor riots nor african warl ords the danger is ended we offer cheap transportatiion home from east coast ports. the neonazis and zionists funded the ships. neo nazi priority meant the crew must be negro and only if they preserved the afrian identity which almist all did.
they al and isac also bribed christian preists and pastors to urge africans and jewws to return to the homeland. jon held fundraisers in the hope that those traditional cnseervatives would leave so the democratic dncc wouldhave a majorty in every state.
the boats filled with negroes who poured out of every city to the cheap boat ride on huge grain boats transformed into rows of passenger rooms and toilets one in each four person room. inded the truth was no more deaths in africa and no danger from warlords nor slavery by landowners. although the death had truly stopped that was due to the lack of human blood to harvest. when the bats of negroes arrived they fed the bots. no crew surviveed for the return trip as the neo nazis had planned and they sent "email messages" to relatives explaining the vast empty cities with plumbing and "infrastructure" in existing cities now empty with plenty of space.
the demand increased and many shipping companies that could no longer ship products to asia and africa where no consumers remained, transformed their ships from cargo to passenger ships and sold tickets. the overbooking was so great that the neo nazis seemed justified in demanding the crew be negro travelers who wanted to go home rather than the company crew. only one negro with naval experience would guide the crew.
millions of negroes poured out of american cities to return to the safe homeland africa now that the evil leaders had died... but the bots were still there... so the arrivals died.
month after month joyful emails arrived encouraging the zionistic return to the homeland origin roots in africa... until the elections.
to jon's horror the negroes had been voting dnc and now that millions had left each state the results were almost entirely rnc! even in california and new york states. jon felt so angry, that his plan for dnc had failed that he shot himself. the rnc understood that this served their purpose to get elected and did not interfere with the personal choice of exodus back home as long as they were not permitted to vote from overseas.
in china, they began its plan and made its first "new map" dividing europe into large zones based objectively on the brit system of latitude and longitude. starting from 8 degrees east longitude and 47 degrees north latitude, the chinese map measured a chunk 5 degrees in each direction so the new countries were blocks from 3 east to 13 degrees east and continuing east and to the coast in rows reaching over the french coast from 3 east to 5 degrees west longitude. in area the block included ten degrees of latitude from 42n to 52 n in rows extending north in blocks in rows across the ural and nile continents. see map.

the separate country borders of europe etc. can be ignored now that the humans were extinct there. the new administration would repopulate the cities once the bot2-s replaced the deadly bots. the new local government would have administrative borders under china based on objective latitude and longitude. any city on a border line, for example 13e muse be demolished and erased to prevent doubt who would administer it. 
the same system of rows extended in the division of the nile continent into rows of administrative units with plans for coastal defense and guns to prevent colonialism. the lines of border extended from 3e to 13e row after row southward 42n-32n and 32n-22n and 22n to 12n and 12nto 2n and the same in the south hemisphere new rows of blocks for administration and any town on the border line must be demolished to prevent doubt of administration.
china published its new map for europe which "offended" americans who were powerless and who knew the few europeans surviving would soon be "too dead" to protest the new borders in europe and africa. for equality china also redivided its administrative borders replacing the division by provinces to objective parallel lines in china and in new china that extended southward to the chang sea which wrapped along china east coast by chang jiang river and south coast including tigris river. no tiny countries south of the nan river nor south of the chang river! no tiny countries along the danube river region.
those who emphasized their african identity were urged to "return home" now that no danger. they would seem like hypocrits to emphasize african identity and not want to go on a cheap boat ride home now that they were not "refugees" from the dangers in africa.
isac also bribed televangelists to spread the message of safety and the end of death and of danger in africa and the idea of zionism to jews and africans in u.s. the neo nazi fund provided the cheap boat tickets discounted by funding for their harmful purpose of causing death of jews and negroes. the plan worked for millions of negroes but jews only say "next year in jerusalem" as a meaningless ceremony with no intention to obey the ancient text. happily for neo nazis the millions of jews in israel with their "racial purity" and infant circumcision injury were extinct along with the evil female genital mutilation culture. the difference between the two is not enough to redeem either evil cut culture plus since talking cannot sway cold hearted jews to prevent the harm, those willing to murder brought the benefit of less harm to infants by offering cheap boat tickets also to jews to bot land by the jordan river but their plan failed because jews dont intend to go to jerusalem even while reading the phrase "next year in jerusalem" kuz each year next never comes.
instead the negroes who preserved their african identity hoped to return to a safe africa with no cruel humans. the demand was huge so boats were overbooked so the crews were replaced by travelers. mail programs sent joyful messages from the travelers email, "we live safely and spaciously in empty cities" which the arrivals could not send due to the bots eating the iron in their red blood cells. at least in china the blood bots were defeated but the distance was vast for the new harvest bots to reach africa. so the scheme continued and continued...
when the bots reached switzerland they did li went down the mountain to see when they arrived. he was confident that the program copied to exclude his cells. he waited patietly while arranging supplies for his town up the muntain. when the people around him started dying, he released harvest bots in switzerland to patrol the new borders of 3e-13e. his airline brought adminstrators who were chinese americans hired to administer the new borders. once the region was renamed zone "34" the first digit of each coordinate he sent bots to harvest the rest of europe.
they signalled that carnovorous animals were hyper breeding from eating millions of corpses so li made hunt bots with radio to estimate and kill almost every carnivore including cats dogs and all snakes and pests. they would zap the dog or wolf dead and harvest its corpse for carbon fuel to continue patrolling and zapping. the program had an immediate phase one reduction of estimating each day and hunting dead by zap 90% of the carnivors in each administrative zone.
li also deployed harvest microbots on the south coast of the nile sea to start hunting and digesting the blood bots. each day he watched the slow progress despite multiplying and doubling.
the administrators and border gunners had trained enough for the coastal defense of zones 27, 17, 227,37 etc. but the bloodbots were still there.
to be continued.

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