Wednesday, February 17, 2021

darryl molly 12

After molly's suicide... darryl lay to sleep as usual. he dreamt that he felt scared... fear... terror.  balloon shaped faces with no hair and thin slits for eyes, 2 eyes where he expected eyes but no ears nor mouth nor nose only eye slits gazed down on him. he tried to move but could not... finally he awoke.

he looked around his room. it seemd the same as when he went to sleep. his room-mate with orinj hair lay on the bed beside him. he rose easily from his bed beside the heater and walked easily to the small sink by the door. he heard many footsteps in the corridor outside the door. something felt wrong... what was the carrot-tops name?? he had no room mate?? the white paint in the tiny sink started rusting... spreading quuickly and he awoke... again.

this time his bed was where he rememberd. in the middle of the room with space on both sides, his let and ryt. he climbed out of bed and went to empty his waste liquid fromm his body. he enterd the shower room and noticed the long flourescent  bulb. the toilet was green... his toilet was white. that was certain.

not again?? what if i am still dreaming? i cant wet yet?

he pinched his arm and it hurt. and he knew to pinch himself so he released the liquid. into the green toilet... his cellular phone rang. but he was still emptying the jet of fluid. he changed his aim from the back green to the shallow puddle of water common in toilets so the noise of the bubbling distracted the familiar song of his ringtone from an opera that he had selected. finally the stream ended so he reached for the handle... none. just green tiles on the wall. he turned backward and saw no mirror over the sink.  his container of jel soap was not in its place and not around the sink. no soap ! he felt terror again and relived the  fear in his dream recalling the balloon shaped faces without ears... now he felt panic because he was forced to use only water to clean his hands.

then he saw no towel either... the place where he recalled a bar that hung the towel was only green tiles. he dried his hands on the fabric of his pyjama shirt.

the song from the cell stopd and restarted. he rushed out and SLID his finger on the glass screen and jamd it to his ear "hello" he gaspd in a much more feminine voice.

he heard words "we apologize for taking you but this is urgent. we tried to copy your room so you would not be scared but we see you are terrified..."

the voice paused. 

darryl's mind rushed with a million questions... first of all "took"?? taking? who was this voice? what was urgent? what was a copy? how do they know his emotions? who was the they?

he stutterd "heh-hello??" was all he could ask.

the message simply repeated "we apologize for taking you but this is urgent. you must convince the emperor's advisor to delay attacking hawaii just a few more months. go NOW."

finally he blurted out his first question "took? what is taking?"--"i promise to explain later now GO." he ignored and continued his questions "who are you? what do you want?" then darryl pausd for the answers and listend... to silence no sound. he lookd at the screen of the cell... it was black... he tapd it... he pressed the few buttons but the phone had no power. he presd the power button to switch it on... but no response the phone fely bumpy... he turnd it to its back... no battery cover nor battery.

the song of the opera rang again he lookd at the screen it was black not showing the caller nor that the fone was active the voice said "GO already this is urgent."

and a PULSE of flashing lyt glowed from the cellular phone as it ZAPD an electric shok into his hand.

"ow" he hollerd and then cusd. he tosd the cell on the blanket of the bed and ran to the closet... gasp... no closet only white paint from the door all across the wall to the curtains of the window. he puld the curtains open and saw strange shapes on signs. now he knew what the meaning taken... the balloon heads had not been a dream.

 he lookd by his bed where he had yankd off his jeans the nyt before... the floor was empty except the rug was correct. "the they" had gotten that correct.

no jeans no money to buy new jeans. 

the next of the million questions was "would the advisor of the emperor even see him while he wore pyjama? he must get fancy clothes and no jeans was no wallet and no money.

he walked to the door in his pyjama and reached fr the handle... none as his hand moved near the door, the door and the walls vanished. 

he stepd forward and... no floor ! he stumbled down a step. behind him on the low platform was a bed and one wall and one curtain for the second wall.

the place of the toilet was a puddle... no green toilet.

he walked along the cold sidewalk, barefoot, same as he had slept. he lookd at the many shops with signs that were useless to him with curvy curves that were very different from letters.

maybe chinese? but the chinese... would never dare to attack hawaii. they were too weak... they would lose too many soldiers... wait! china had too many people to feed they would want to fight a losing battle and die with honor while preserving the survivors.

he did a trick that he had read in a book. the other story ttold of a kid that ran from home and went into a coat shop. she took a  new coat into the dressing stall swapd coats, put her coat on the hanger, wore the new coat and hung her coat in the placeof the new coat then she walked out "empty handed" successfully hiding her coat and not getting caught. that trick would not work in u.s. where the coats had electronic tags but here... he would try it.

he found a shop with long robes. he took 3 into a dressing stall. in the privacy he pulled off his pyjama pants... then thinking of the cold he wore them and rolled up the legs so the bunched fabric gripd his muscular calvs. then he pulled a dark green robe over his shirt. he left one hanger in the stall and returned two to the row of hanging gowns. now he lookd the same as all the locals in gowns. he thought of the actor jack black telling a kid, his nephew: "its called a KIMONO".

why would they have japanese kimonos in the city of the emperor of china who will attack hawaii due to overpopulation... a mystery.

he walkd to the cash table where the cash box sat. a bearded man wearing a yellow kimono stood too straight. darryl showed his empty hands and bowed. the chinamen... or so darryl guesd... also bowd from his waist. 

darryll exited the shop and searched for the palace of the emperor. he did not need the curvy curve signs for certainly it would be an IMPERIAL palace... or so he guessd.

he walkd strait from the shop district to the part of the city that was less crowded. he saw a hill and went toward it.

finally after a long walk he reached the hill climbed it and saw the whole city below him. cars moved slowly along the streets. and THERE was the palace. he rushd downhill toward the streets that led to the palace and felt that the cars were old fashioned.

finally he reached the gate of the palace and asked the gaurd "i am sory that i dont speak chinese..."--"GOOD", replyd the gaurd in english "they are ENEMY, we have been fighting them since.... um... 1937."

darryl ignored the sentence that he faild to comprehend and asked "please i must meet the advisor of the emperor..." and bowing from the waist added with emphasis "MOST urgent."

the people passing behind him CERTAINLY saw the legs of his roled up pyjama!

the gard waved and three more gards in uniform and rifle ran to the gate. two pointed rifles at darryl while the other two jabberd strange noises. 

the gard with a goldfabric bar on his shoulder said "you must be the american ambassador arriving early. we welcome you and hope you can negotiate about petroleum."

darryl again pretended he understood and bowed... not too low so his gown would not ride up in the back this time.

the electric lock snad free and he opend the gate.  while the other two re-aimd their long rifles to either side and the outer gard turnd to scan in every direction. 

as darryl stepd thru the open metal gate BANG. the loudest bang he had ever heard even louder than the bang that he heard.... WILL have heard later when his neighbor was... will have been shot in darryls dwelling.

he tyrned and saw two men in suits running away and on the ground the third who apparently had seen the gate open and tryd to run in... but the alert gards shot him dead... and woulda shot the other two too.

"skillfull shooting" commented darryl. the gards did not reply but one on each side grabd his arms and yankd him along the path into the palace... then along a corridor to the room of the advisor.

a gard freed darryls left arm and nodded. darryl knokd on the wood door glosd with shiny lacquer polish a voice from the inside said some forrn word. the gard pushed open the door and the other gard still holding his ryt arm yankd him in.

the man who sat at the table lookd very familiar. but darryl did not know why? he lookd all around the empty room. the advisor waved his palms upwards and the two gards walkd backwards toward the door eyes on darryl. they left and shut the door.

"welcome darryl." said the man.

darryl smiled that he knew him... then frowned... the gards had allowd him in claiming the ambassador was expected and this guy KNEW he was not the mabassador... unless the ambassdors name was ALSO darryl?

the advisor said "please sit." so he jumpd to a fluffy red chair and sat. the advisor waved his hand over his face... and a balloon head appeared. a color of the red haird room-mate's hair  in his dream... was the entire face shaped like a balloon tapering to a narrrow chin curve and widening to the dome of the bald reddosh balloon. and no ears.

"please do not compell us to replace the emperor this time around" begd the balloon.

mr. balloon waved his thin gray hand over his face and the human face appeared with black hair and... what a relief... EARS. the chin was clean shaven and just as narrow and taperd as the balloon but the skin was pale like a native european insted of red. the nose was very small and his eyes were dark brown rings around black dots. his eyebrows were VERY thik and bushy... far from the smooth balloon that mr. b had shown only moments earlier.

the black hair was short indicating a recent hair cut... which accentuated the swollen eyebrows.  hair was also poking from both ears and luckily no gross hairs were hanging from the tiny nose.

"as you hopefully guessed we sent you to the time you call december 1, 1941. STUPID calendar... but i digress... we need YOU to provide us with reasons to convince the emperor hirohito... who we told should control the pacific... to delay just a few more months. you think like a human so what wouuld you say?"

"honestly i would say we would be happy if you gave us an excuse to sink all your battleships and aircraft carriers."

a crackling sizzle like electricity "dzdzdz" came from the balloon. "you pretend perfectly to be the american ambassador, who is in your room in the space-time you call 2021 for a visit, however you must think as a japanese human. what will  BENEFIT the japanese human... they are not scared of losing lives and ships."

"i admit my mistake in pointing out the miitary losses yet still they emphasize honor and defeat would motivate them not be ashamed."--no no, you dont understand your enemy. dying in battle IS honorable. insted you must tell them what they will GAIN. we cant think like humans we need you to present some silly worthless gain."

darryl thout and soon had an idea. "we humans always fought for territory. i can urge the  emperor to first take the vast land of siberia..."--"no no... mr. b shook hid head sadly... i must remind you japan wants petroleum for their war. the u.s. recently stopd selling the oil which is not acting nutral. a nutral would sell oil to both sides... STUPID rosevelt, but i digress, anyway, siberia has no oil."--"true but still he would gain territory--granted but that would USE oil for tanks and more importantly it would only keep the land army busy not the navy. we need the navy to delay for a few months and AFTER THAT the emperor can control the pacific."

"sorry but WE win back the pacific" darryl corrected him. "yeh yeh but the emperor does not know that so how do we keep the planes away from hawaii for a few more months?"

darryl knew... "simple. sorry...  our human thinking is to use planes to assist land assaults in fact we use navy to assist land assaults if japan sends its warplanes and battleships to coast of siberia they will be busy and spread over vast land and capture it in a few months then they can invade hawaii...--no... not INVADE just bomb hawaii."--"why not?--kuz hawaii HAS oil idiot.--wait WHAT? the only reason to attack hawaii was kuz japan wanted oil so why did he not land troops?--"he got oil from the refineries on borneo so he sent the army there.--that is stupid... he did not need to attack philipines and WE woulda stayed NUTRAL"

the balloon nodded but quickly mr. b replyd "we digress how do we convince him to send planes and warships to siberia?--you will advise: by march bomb hawaii and until then use navy warplanes for the vast land easy to conquer and the glory of the vast sea of trees--if it is easy to conquer then he will only need a few hundred warplanes even for that vast area.--hmm... then he must attack china at the same time--yes yes that is apt human stupidity. how would you assign the planes?--first we must increase production in the industrial area for rifles and tanks.--wait we is not america now--correct, bring the battleships for bombing the coastal ports and land many tanks to quickly spread out--i asked about planes--yes sorry, the warplanes in south amur rr [manchu] and all the warplanes in fuji region except bombers is two groups. the aircraft carriers could bring their planes. 3w for north amur rr.

w for magat rr [philipines] for west jjang rr,  so 3/5 to siberia and 2/5 with  bomber group to attack china.--great i will advise. but should the land attack be first or the coast?--i recommend first attack china then siberia." concluded darryl.

darryl explained how by march they could resume the plan to bomb hawai the goal of emperor was to take vast sea so must be re-assured he could bomb hawaii by march as follows: 

DECEMBER, dec' 1941 before japan invaded philipines and pland will invade. 8f spread: 2f for philipines preparing to invade it+2f in axis french nan rr preparing to conquer peninsula. +2f east jjang rr +2f in south amur rr.

in fuji mr carrier with warplanes preparing to attack hawaii until change plan to delay attack until march, and use those warplanes first to attach north amur rr. in december attacked china, west jjang rr,  and coast of siberia, north amur rr, with t and navy w 

2f for philipines attackd and lost. however the s. amur rr truly industrialized already [no need to unjustly build factory using production] therefore those 15 immediately build 5f. relting on that: 2f attacked coast of siberia with t in tr and w success. ff move into n. amur region.

2f stay in nan ready to defend against brit india ganges rr but now conquering peninsula. insted of east jjang rr empty, kuz ff went n to south amur rr, to protect added factory, truly already industrialized so 5f ergo east jjang rr not empty.

january '42


fft in n amur rr, ff/5f 4w b in s amur. 17-15=2 points plus 1+2+17=22 build tanks and f or 7 artillery to hold land. 1 point remains. relying on 7, ff in nan attacked ff in west jjang rr with many w as above.  conquer capital get 4 production potential and 2 for resources. lost f but f captured w.j..

f in west jjang rr. nan empty. relying on new 7, fft move toward moscow. ff in s. amur rr split f west to w.j. so 2f. tr. gets f in s.amur brings with navy in tr. group to invade all of coast north and south from hong kong then for using navy all coast of eaast jjang rr.

6f= 2f west jjang rr. 1 lost. f east jjang rr. ff in ob rr east of ural. n. amurr rr empty relying on 7 new.

soviets succeeded in vist rr. but only built 5 f need for more powerful nazi. 

feb '42

surveying civilian planes and boats search for isles east from fuji mr and north from yap isles 

build tanks and footsoldiers.

ff in west jjang take uundefended tak adding potential resources. ff in tak. 

f in east jjang finished organizing the prevention of birth and went to nan rr.  seven split

ff in west jjang rr, ff in e. jjang  fff in n. amur relying on new tanks and foot soldiers but do not bomb ganges rr factory respecting nuetrality and due to the warplanes in ganages rr defending the factory.

india built army but obeyd de-militarized zone twenty kilometers from border of ganges rr and same distance japanese obeyed dmz at that border between axis french nan rr and ganges rr only one f garding  nan rr and obeying dmz. in bad game a tank in s. amur would neeed 2 steps and third attak moscow but this is wrong due to moscow nearer nazi and north from the eastern black sea.  same steps to reach ural mr but moscow nearer nazis.

so ff in n. amur near ob rr and ob rr fft.

now in macrh navy warplanes can attack hawaii kuz finished securing asian resources, to ballance u.s. production potential

coast 9, fuji 8 points, 2 from soviet land 2 from dutch isle 4 from china land

 9+8+2+2+4=25 facing u.s. 22+1=23 now balanced. but dont need to attack philipines  due to axis dutch oil in kapuas rr for bringing to coast or around nutral philipines

next the advisor met with the emperor a SECRET meeting probably telling those claims: delay kuz warplane garuntee success on land until march and being available in march for the plan.

darryl advised: 2 divisions of foot, and one of warplanes which had been assigned for invading the peninsula attacked china with the warplanes assigned to philipine invasion. 2f 2w who escorted the bombers from fuji mountain region. predicting 2f and 2w shot but faild but the bomber destroyed many soldiers. however see below. darryl claimed "even if the defenders were successful desroying both foot armys. unable to take land the planes ought to continue for destroying the warplanes predicting success. killing the foot army defenders and bombing planes as they landed to refuel as well as shooting those that came near the bombers weakening the defending force to almost nothing. at what cost? none. the defending warplanes shot but woud be destroyed when they came near the bombers. later the warplanes would perform landing.

however the prime minister wanted better probability relying on the truly industrialized region to build 5f. sent 4f to attak.  in december 2f for magat with 2f from east jjang... kuz ff in nan rr need to protect from brit in ganges and busy taking peninsula now instead of after hawaii, and s. amur ff attacking n. amur with t and warplanes, then in west jjang: 4f 2wb against ffw.

f4 miss. ww both hit, b? 4 success. same time defense shot: 1 6 one hit, w 3 hit axis lost 2f and 2f capture west jjang adding 2 potential and capturing their savings 4ppp. ff in west jjang rr insted of magat rr [phl]. allies lost ffw quickly die to bomber.

ff +tw3 attacked n amur.  ff one success, +2 succes destroy all fft in the one large region. same time soviet shot back ff one s, t faild. axis lost f, soviet lost fft quikly due to tank on tr' and warplanes including navy warplanes insted of attacking battleships won land quikly. 

n amur ft , s amur 5f  e jjang empty ff n nan rr, instead of the prediction imperial 2f lost china 2f lost both and lost warplanes, china lost its only group and faild to destroy the invaders w this time.

next 2f in manchu with all 3 remaining w insted of going to hawaii, attacked siberia by surprise violating the treaty and forcing soviets to fight BOTH directions. insted of surprising u.s. surprised moscow.

transport boats shipd tanks and some battleships and other warships bombed the coastal ports to cover the tanks frog war.

2f, t, 3w 

more than enuf to destroy both soviet f and old tanks immediately. defense shot all missed. the tanks spread out to the helpless cities and the planes had crushed all the bases even without bomber due to the few defending planes.

indeed the warplanes tipd the bttle in favor of a quick victory. no significant defense blockd the trip to moscow by tank. they soon controlled an area the area of australia. hirohito emphasized he now controlled a sea of trees and soon would spread to the sea of  east. the transport ships for the philipine invasion took borneo and its oil easily on december first while u.s. stayed nutral since that was dutch and dutch had already ;ost to nazi. rosevelt askd congress to declare war on japan... because they would crush soviets from both sides. the senate vetoed demanding nutrality "we must not kill our soldiers when we are not in danger." the troops in philipines waited.

rosevelt urged britin to build factories in india but britian needed war effort to invade nazi.

when the w landed all in manchu to defend the new factories... luckily no nebors remained... except one w returnd to carrier to defend fuji m;r, 2f in manchu had moved north to conquer north amur region. t was a threat to moscow and the soviet factorys east from moscow.

n amur 2f, t, s. amur was defended by 2 foot from hong kong and 2 foot intended for philipines which was delayed to gard the new factory. 4f, 4w, b. the north tr returnd hime the sout tr stayed by kapuas river region. the carriers stayed at home. the submarines went west to scare off the british and cut australia from india. u.s was not yet attacked and stayed nutral despite rosevelts desire due to needing the senate to approve war. fujy had 3f, a new t, no warplanes except the carrier with oone w and tr.

 after u.s. was nutral how will soviet respond? they whined to u.s. to attack japan but senate would not risk soldiers for others... esoecially considering the lack of choice given to soviet citizens. "we would be happy if you were weak and the people overthrew you".

what would soviets do?

the emperor was ready to send his tr to attack philipines, but darryl advised to send more f to the coast and keep navy warplanes west in case british strengthened india. now THAT was also good advice.

DETAILS and locations:

  the japanese imperial forces were now preparing for the attack on u.s. forces in magat rr [=philipines] and lua [=hawaii]... carriers near fuji mr carryd warplanes. foot-soldiers were ready in jjang rr.

after darryl met with the advisor [previous chapter] the meeting with the emperor was secret. the prime minister sent secret military orders.

in fuji mountain region fuji mr, f=foot soldier groups [also f in caroline captured in ww1.] also t=1 tank group, w=one warplane group and b=one bomber group=b. one transport group including battle escorts such as battleships so 1 tr.

they had potential to add enough factories to produce tanks or artillery and warplanes so they added until enuf in j-amur rr. [2 ppp=production potential points remained.]

many foot soldiers in j-amur also in jjang rr in nan rr kuz french surrenderd to nazis.

ff pland for philipines, attackd china at c-jjang rr, escorted by wwb. ff shot but failed. ww shot but both failed. finally the bomber succeeded destroying one group of foot soldiers.

the chinese defenders had planes purchased from soviets and some american pilots to assist the chinese pilots. ffw=fx fw, one f shot and faild. second f, destroyd f, when they got destroyed. w succeeded too. the airforce continued as advised and kept trying.

2w only one 3, b success destroying defenders f w. they shot back f faild and died. w shot and failed.

losses j: -ff. c:ffw lost. later planes will do landing.

also the transport group brout the tank group to the siberia east coast the hude region soviet-amur. 

ff in j-amur river region crosd amur into the one huge region, the same area as australia around 7.7 million square kilometer defended by insignificant old warplanes and fft.

japan empire attakd with ff from s. amur, t from fuji mr by tr. and all remaining warplanes including the navy not yet sent to hawaii. www.

ff twww  fx fxtx 

one f v, the tanks and warplanes, more than enuf so destroyed all defenders in the region. at the same time the defenders shot but all failed to harm the invaders.

losses: j: none, soviets fft. now hirohito's fft took that region. increasing japanese production potential by one point and lowering soviet by one point. a vast sea of trees and small towns and ports was nw ruled by h'.

j 17+1=18 added significant factories, 2 remained +1  if hold. s ppp 16-1=15

the borders of s. amur are safe no attackers from china. planes landed. w returnd to carrier in north sea of fuji mr. to rest. b+w4 landed in s. amur rr. ff from jjang rr came north to protect the new factory in j-amur in case china moved its western troops east.

along coast j now had ff in nan rr axis after french surrenderd, but ff for philipimes lost. jjang empty to protect j-amur kuz ff went to conquer sv-amur rr as above. 

j-amur had ff wwwwb a strong defense if chinese move east or brits from india attakd. tr returned home from coast to fuji mr. t in siberia in striking distance of factories east from ural mountains, if it takes the empty territory of ob rr.

the plan to take the undefended petroleum refineries in kapuas rr called borneo was early, now in december insted of magat rr, army taking official control after the dutch surrendered to the nazis and moving in soldiers to chase the insignificant few allied planes and troops away. this isle added production potential 2+18=20 points.

  next china. china lost all its warplanes. and all the troops near its capital city. they moved all, both ff from tak' dr to c-jjang rr, to defend the capital and in position to attack the new factories.

 next soviets.

potential 16 with nazi so near moscow build cheapest artillery f5. one point remains. soviets focusd on the main threat ffftt in dneper rr near moscow attakd with some of moscow's 5f by capital city in muskva rr beside region of nipr [dneiper]. risking 2f but 3 for defense.

ff tt ww all attak nazis in nipr rr. ffft t

one v, 3 v destroyed nazi ffft, nazi shot back at same time 3v.

lost both f and one t. only nazi t remains they continue relying on warplanes. 

tww success destroy t. it shot at same time but faild. no nazi t remain. soviet t conquers dnieper rr. adds 3 ppp=production potential points, if hold it.16-1+3=18, one unused.

losses: soviets 2ft, t remains, later planes will land, nazi lost all 3f+2t cancelling the pressure on capital city moscow, truly north of eastern black sea.

also submarine attakd nazi navy in baltic sea. it missed and stayed by temz thames rr.

planes land: w in sov' paz rr with fff, w with 3+4=7f by capital but t in drr. new 5 artilery 5f by ural factories blok japanese.

nazis have fffw by vis rr, and fftw in nazi-paz. 

brits have ffw in ganges rr threatening nipon japan must use navy planes there in january and delay lua attak til february. 

nazi next ppp 31 what build? fearing brit invasion must send troops to seine rr but also lost much in soviet success ! perhaps nazi should surrender now??

to be continued...

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