Monday, February 13, 2023

which year jesus got crucified

first inspecting the date claimed, second offering a better alternative  and finally rescuing the conflicted versions in gospel.

 a website claimed that romans killed jesus april 3 year 33. however we can estimate full moons using a 19 year cycle. 104×19=1976, 33+1976=2009 same as 2009 full moon was near 8 april prepare passover and same in 33 not april 3. only year.

still witnesses set month not calculated so if passover 9 april 33 like full moon 8 in 2009, then Thursday preparation buried in john 19 witness who "saw" in john 19.

nights after Thursday 3 until sunday morning "first day of week" matched kuz 6 hour. 

other years not claimed nor match, years 32, 29 one night. year 31 longer except 30 same Wednesday but more likely y33 based on tiberius 15 year. 

calendar pictures 

how i estimated 104?

if year 33 when full moon? how many 19 year cycles?
2023 is end 5 ap same 2004 prep 5ap so 2042 same.
2009 years/19=105+ cycles
105 x 19=1995, 2042-1995=47 47-33=14
2023-14=2009 lucky 8 april 104 groups
104x19=1976 2009-1976=33 we can test 33
if on passover time john april 8 Wednesday and buried then 4 nights. if ate passover and the next noon then matched but john "saw" in john 19.  n paul said he passover so not 33. claimer 33 said april 3, was friday but not full moon but witnesses set calendar until amora, so near full moon. 19 year cycles only to estimate moon and within a day.

2008 at 32? ap19, too short one night til sunday first day of week. 2007 31, longer, 2006 30, 4 nights, 2005 29, 1n, not claimed nor match. 
CONCLUSION  this reconciled the "obvious and apparent contradiction" in the gospels. both versions agreed three 3 nights before rose sunday morning. john SAW and wrote died and buried on Thursday of preparation when passover started that year six hours after crucified end of Thursday. the other version in matthew AGREED thursday but wrote a different day due to MOON witnesses 19 years later. starting passover Wednesday if so must have been same in 33... so they added matthew after john with the version jew passover at the end of Wednesday... NO PROBLEM jesus ATE the passover on preparation day and still crucified thursday 3 nights before sunday. in other words the versions ONLY diffrr about the lunar calendar that was based on witnesses seeing the moon. 

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