Monday, April 10, 2023

the hero culture clash

 in the west we define hero  as rescuing the princess... like in jack beanstalk, giznt overpowered princess kuz giant so hero rescued saved led to freedom that is hero...

but muslim news company have a different definition in picture 

al-manar has a name undoubtedly arabic and it found a way to make provoke seem WORSE  than the coward who CRASHED a car with no risk to self,  into unarmed helpless civilians to cause terror to vilify jews for "provoking" but anything can be called provoke for people who have DIFFERENT  causes to be violent.

was the provocation a justified action? who cares if jews did it they are bad provokers you provoked me i cant be blamed for my action when i was provoked, they say but they are responsible for their harmful and cowardly action so they call the murderer praise a hero against powerful i.d.f army who were not thd victims nor targeted so called "brave" to crash a huge heavy car into unarmed helpless civilians.... no.... that is not a hero nor brave. but if resist israel that gets praised.

headline two the misleading attempt to vilify tourists....

the word game intensified as "tourists outside the mosque" are called "raiding the mosque" how dare they enter and raid... but outside neither enter nor raid they were tourists wtf!!!

hundreds yes ..... they were MANY tourists not hundreds of soldiers invading... BETWEEN  prayer times when muslims were NOT blocked but that is boring so the editor selected the few details that vilify jews sensationally the evil raiders came but we could not, after our turn ended.

well tourists are not a threat what about cops? trained and weapons? they DID raid in a mosque... but thanks to Western rules they needed conditions to enforce law violaters who were not sharing not taking turns.... and were discovered as planned a riot the muslim youth WAS USING  the moswue as a war place.... consistently with "holy" war but they had explosives and had prepared rocks to injure and kill law enforcement instead of submitting to the time limits after all iskzm prayer time was limited by islam definition not pray 24  hours. 

hurting is the opposite of saved so FAR from hero.

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